Envision Eye & Aesthetics

What You Should Know About Skin Tightening

This year, you don’t have to spend your summer obsessing about loose, sagging skin. While procedures like tummy tucks and face lifts help, they’re also expensive, painful, and take months to heal. But don’t worry; you can still see amazing results without going under the knife. 

Our experienced team at Envision Aesthetics specializes in non-surgical skin tightening in Rochester that can help you reach your goals in no time! With SkinTyte, a state-of-the-art broadband light (BBL) treatment, we reduce skin laxity to help you look and feel your best. You may even want to finally pull out that bikini this year! 

To learn more about SkinTyte and its amazing benefits, keep reading and we’ll break down everything you need to know. 

What is SkinTyte?

SkinTyte is an innovative non-invasive treatment that uses the power of broadband light to boost collagen production for the ultimate skin-tightening results. With the help of infrared energy, SkinTyte works great to:

  • Treat skin laxity and sagginess
  • Improve skin texture and smoothness
  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Add plumpness to the skin
  • Promote collagen production
  • Tighten neck jowls 

You may not realize that oftentimes, sagging skin simply comes from the body’s natural aging process. When you’re younger, your body produces tons of collagen and elastin (fibers that create the framework for your skin). However, once you hit your 30s, production begins to slow, and without a strong framework, your skin starts to fall—you can thank gravity for that. 

One of the biggest ways you can reboot collagen production is by jumpstarting the healing process, and that’s where SkinTyte comes in. 

How does SkinTyte BBL work?

Most people believe that SkinTyte is a laser skin tightening procedure, but we’re going to be clear straight away; BBL is not a laser. Although both techniques use light energy to heat underlying tissue, they have key differences in how they work. 

Laser therapy uses ablative or non-ablative wavelengths (with a Halo treatment, you get both in one treatment!) to promote collagen production. Ablative wavelengths target the top layer of skin (epidermis) while non-ablative wavelengths target the deeper layers (dermis). 

On the other hand, broadband light uses visible light therapy—a solely non-ablative technique. Pulses of controlled, high-intensity light heat your skin’s tissue, kickstarting the body’s natural healing process. 

During healing, fibroblasts (collagen-producing cells) work overtime to create more collagen. Collagen then builds a fresh framework for your skin, helping you achieve a tighter, younger look. Even after your non-surgical skin tightening treatment, your results will continue improving throughout the following months. That means you’ll continue to see your results improve long after your treatment is done, all without stitches or downtime.

Benefits of non-surgical skin tightening

woman smiling

Here’s the truth: We wouldn’t rave so much about a treatment if it didn’t actually work. After performing countless procedures, we’ve found that SkinTyte provides amazing results for patients of all ages. Here are just a few of the benefits of our favorite non-surgical skin tightening procedure. 

SkinTyte is faster than other treatments. 

Most people are surprised when they find out that SkinTyte doesn’t take much time at all. You won’t be in the office for hours on end; in fact, the treatment only takes about 35 to 40 minutes, depending on your treatment area(s). 

SkinTyte requires no downtime.

Life is busy, and sometimes you simply don’t have time to “rest” after a procedure. Plus, there’s no fun in missing the entire summer as you wait for your body to heal from a surgery. With SkinTyte and its infrared technology, we can safely tighten your skin without you needing to take time away from daily life. 

SkinTyte comes with little discomfort. 

One of the best things about SkinTyte is that it’s virtually painless for most people. You may notice mild discomfort such as a warming sensation, but other than that there’s nothing much to it. No pain or downtime? It honestly doesn’t get much better than that.

SkinTyte treats multiple areas

With a SkinTyte procedure, you don’t have to pick and choose which areas you want to treat; you can truly have it all! Whether you want to firm your stomach or tighten your jawline, SkinTyte’s innovative technology could be your perfect solution. 

How to Tighten Skin on Your Face Without Surgery →

What to expect during a SkinTyte Procedure

Since you aren’t venturing into a long-winded surgical process, there’s not much you have to be concerned about. If you’re in the Rochester area, our specialists at Envision Aesthetics will ensure your procedure goes by smoothly and safely. 

Step One: Consultation

Before we go any further, we want to get to know you! We offer a free one-hour consultation to anyone who is interested in our SkinTyte procedure. During your consultation, we’ll talk to you about your concerns and your goals. We’ll also examine your skin laxity and determine the best areas to treat. 

Step Two: Treatment Day

The day of your treatment should be exciting! Thankfully, you won’t have to go under general anesthesia or get pricked by needles. Instead, we’ll lie you down then begin penetrating the treatment area(s) with high-intensity light energy. We administer the energy through a sequence of rapid pulses, repeating the sequence to ensure you receive the best results. 

As your skin heats, a powerful cooling mechanism keeps the outer layers of tissue unharmed, ensuring that you stay at ease the entire time. After only 35 to 45 minutes, you’re all set and ready to go! 

Step Three: Post Treatment

With no recovery time, you won’t have to take off work or waste your summer lying in bed. You may notice some mild redness, but that typically goes away within a few minutes. Although you can go back to your normal routine, always make sure you apply SPF to protect your skin and help maintain your results. 

SkinTyte frequently asked questions

skin tightening treatment

How do I know if I’m a candidate for SkinTyte?

The only surefire way to know if you’re a candidate for SkinTyte is through a consultation with a trusted provider. However, we will say that this treatment works for men and women who are dealing with loose and saggy skin, wrinkles, and textured skin.

What areas can SkinTyte treat?

SkinTyte can treat almost any area where you have mild-to-moderate skin laxity (yes, even wrinkles!). These areas include the:

  • Face
  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Stomach
  • And more

Does SkinTyte hurt?

No! For most people, SkinTyte doesn’t hurt at all. You won’t even need a topical anesthetic to reduce pain. You may, however, feel a slight warming sensation as the device heats your tissue. If you ever have concerns about pain, you can always talk to your specialist during your consultation. In some cases, we may use an anesthetic if needed. 

Will SkinTyte give me the same results as a surgery?

No, SkinTyte won’t give you the same results as surgery. Remember, SkinTyte is a non-invasive skin-tightening treatment, so while you will definitely have a great outcome, it won’t be as dramatic as surgery. That is why SkinTyte works best for people with mild-to-moderate skin laxity. 

How soon will I see the results of SkinTyte?

You may start noticing results of SkinTyte right away, but the treatment area(s) will continue to improve up to six months after your treatment. So definitely be patient and allow the collagen to work its magic. Soon, you’ll truly see why SkinTyte works as a great alternative to surgery. 

Will I need more than one treatment?

To get the best results, you’ll probably need more than one treatment with the SkinTyte device. During your consultation, you’ll get a better idea of how many sessions would require. Most people see maximum results after 3 to 6 sessions spaced three weeks apart. 

Can SkinTyte damage my skin?

Since SkinTyte comes with a cooling mechanism, you don’t have to worry about your skin getting damaged from the heat. The best way to ensure you get a treatment that will help you rather than hurt you is by going to a provider with years of experience. 

At Envision Aesthetics, our physician Dr. Whipple is board certified in ophthalmology, with a specialty board-certification by the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons in Oculofacial Plastic Surgery. That means with us, you’ll be getting the gold standard every time.

Get the best non-surgical skin tightening at Envision Aesthetics

Envision Aesthetics has been the go-to medical spa in Rochester since 2015. We pride ourselves on treating each patient with care, giving them customized treatment options that provide real results. It’s not just our state-of-the-art procedures that puts us above the rest; it’s our dedication to making our patients feel at home. 

We never leave our patients out of the loop, which is why we focus on education with all of our procedures. Our goal is to make sure our patients are comfortable and at ease with their decision, knowing that we are always here to address their concerns. Plus, safety is our number one concern, so we only offer the most effective and proven treatments to help you reach your goals.

For cutting-edge care by a team driven by heart and compassion, get started by scheduling your appointment or completing our quick virtual consultation process. 

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