clinical facials in Rochester New York

PRX-T33 in Rochester New York

Experience the unicorn!

The Myth Made Reality

Imagine your perfect facial. Is it effective and painless? Does it let you get back to life with no downtime? Well, you can stop imagining! Experience the most advanced facial treatment yet with PRX-T33 in Rochester

What It Treats

Hyperpigmentation, skin laxity, sagging skin, sun damage, scars, melasma, acne

Procedure Time

Unique to the Individual

Recovery Time

Minimal to None

What is PRX-T33?

PRX-T33 is sometimes referred to as the “Unicorn Facial” because patients regularly experience results they never thought possible! The mythical results are the result of a highly advanced compound that combines Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) and kojic acid. 

Facial treatment preparation.

What to expect from your PRX-T33 Treatment

Before Your Treatment

Before your scheduled treatment, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Limiting sun exposure, avoiding harsh cleansers, and avoiding smoking. We’ll go over everything to ensure your treatment is tailored to you in a consultation.

During Your Treatment

PRX-T33 works it’s magic by focusing on the dermis and activating healthy cell regeneration without effecting the outermost layer of skin (the epidermis). This retains the layer of protection that commonly is removed with traditional chemical peels.

After Your Treatment

The biggest thing patients notice is the lack of pain or redness.  That’s the magic of our PRX-T33 in Rochester. With no redness, irritation, or downtime, patients who experience the unicorn rarely ever choose another facial peel! 

The Consultation

The experts at Envision & Aesthetics assess your skin to understand any concerns and determine if PRX-T33 in Rochester is right for you. They may also talk about an ongoing treatment plan that includes complimentary treatments based on your skin and your goals.

The Science We Trust

TCA and Kojic acid work together to promote Fibroblasts, and trigger healthy cell growth without inflammation or damaging the skin. Because of the unique science behind this treatment, we can easily treat most facial concerns without the need for extensive aftercare.

Your easiest errand.

With immediate results, and no downtime many patients schedule their PRX-T33 in Rochester over a long lunch break or while they’re running errands. Treatments take anywhere from 1-2 hours which makes this facial one less thing to worry about fitting into your busy schedule!


How Does PRX-T33 Work?

Our PRX-T33 in Rochester uses a peel technique that uses the same chemicals as traditional peels with one key difference. Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA), is a key ingredient for many clinical facials. Unlike other peels, the unicorn uses kojic acid to inhibit melanin formation and promote anti-aging. This unique peel alleviates signs of aging including fine lines, sun spots, sagging skin, scars, and much more. 

These ingredients work together to target specific skin cells. That’s what makes this a truly unique facial. This is the only peel that maintains healthy cells in the top layer of the skin while working its magic in the deeper layers as well. It has also proven to be a useful tool to maintain healthy levels of melanin which makes this treatment safe for all conditions and skin types!

Treatment plans are unique for every patient at Envision. Our common recommendations space multiple peels 1 week apart to achieve the desired results. We then schedule follow-ups periodically for regular upkeep. Patients with severe skin issues may need more treatments and may combine their PRX-T33 in Rochester with other treatments for even better results.

PRX Derm Perfection pack.


A specialist injects dermal fillers into pre-planned areas of a patient's face.

Dermal Fillers

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A surgeon focuses on a patient's facial plastic surgery.

Fat Grafting

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A close up of a specialized planar being used on a patient's face.


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Forever Young BBL

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