Envision Eye & Aesthetics

Things to Consider Before Looking for a Hair Surgeon Near You in Rochester

If you’re dealing with thin and/or balding hair, your first choice may be to find a hair surgeon near you in Rochester. But before taking the step toward an expensive and invasive hair transplant surgery, we always tell our patients at Envision Aesthetics to research all options for hair restoration (you might just be surprised what you find). 

Keep reading for what you should consider before looking for a hair surgeon near you.

How much hair loss do you have?

If you have extreme hair loss and balding, you may be a good candidate for a hair transplant. But many people don’t have that much hair loss, and some doctors won’t even perform surgery for minor-to-moderate hair thinning.

Best Treatment for Thinning Hair in Rochester

Are you prepared for downtime?

With surgery comes downtime, and if you’re not willing to take off work for an extended period of time, a hair surgeon near you in Rochester may not be your best bet. Downtime could be anywhere between 7 to 10 days (even longer for those with fairer skin). 

Can you afford a hair surgeon near you?

Depending on where you go, a hair transplant could cost $4,000 to a whopping $15,000. Since most insurance companies consider the surgery cosmetic, they more than likely won’t cover it. 

Have you considered PRP for hair loss?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an innovative way to grow your real hair using your body’s own plasma (found in your blood). It’s full of growth factors, meaning it can replenish thin hair and even treat bald spots. 

All PRP entails is drawing your blood, separating the PRP, then injecting it directly into your scalp. Plus, you won’t have to worry about extended periods of downtime or ruining your budget. 

Schedule an appointment with Envision Aesthetics

You don’t have to find a hair surgeon near you in Rochester to treat bald and thinning hair. At Envision Aesthetics, our PRP treatment gives you real results without the knife. Our team will work with you to understand your goals and concerns to give you the head of hair you’re after. 


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